Wednesday, December 26, 2012



My silly people's mommy and sisters put these hats on us and made us pose in front of the Christmas Tree.  That's my big sister Trixie as Santa, my brother Jake is the head elf and my cousin Emma is Frosty (she is my big people's sister's baby).  I'm the head reindeer!  I lead the sleigh for Santa and Jake helps with making the packages and Frosty just sits there and pants, she thinks she is going to melt!

We had a pretty good Christmas, except it is really really cold!  And all this weird white stuff came down from the sky and stayed on the ground.  I really don't like it when I have to go out, but I have magic powers and can turn that white stuff yellow!!!  It is soooo easy.  But I'm not going to tell you my trick.  I'm just talented.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Photo By:  Lola

Thursday, December 13, 2012

It's Funny Only Because It Didn't Happen To Me.

My Brother Jake thought he would tell the SKUNK to leave.......
But UT OH!!

Yep, the skunk told him what was what!  HeHeHe.
(Five special baths later)

Ok Ok Mommy, I will quit laughing at him.

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos By:  Lola

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

I Think I was Tricked

I'm Little Red Riding Hood

Mommy said she wanted to take me, Jake and Trixie trick or treating, so we got all excited and put on our costumes.  But we only went tricking. there was no treating that I remember.

DaDum, DaDum..Jake is a Shark!!!  Look Out!

Trixie showing off her tutu costume.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I'm Bored

Mommy, what is there that I can do? I'm Bored.

No, I already did that.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I Must Have My Water Bowl Filled As I Like

I told my mommy that the water bowl was too low for me to drink out of, she thinks I am just being silly.  I am very dainty and the water bowl is very big and when the water gets too low, I might fall in if I try to drink it, so I ask mommy to fill it for me.  After mommy filled the water bowl I wasn't thirsty anymore and then she gave me a hard time.  Here is the video of her doing that, and she thinks that I'M BOSY!?!?

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Video By:  Lola

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Yes my mommy thinks this is cute!  Instead of a dress that says Aloha, take me to Hawaii, that would be cute.  Me on the beach sunnin in Hawaii!  I could go for that!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos By:  Lola

Sunday, October 7, 2012

I'm a Cheerleader

Go Cowboys!

I'm the best little cheerleader.  When my brother Jake and Trixie play tug-of-war with a toy I am the cheerleader for the game!  I Yell and root for both of them which is really hard to do, but I make it look easy.  My Mommy says I am really good at it too!!!!  But why mommy has to put this dumb cheerleading uniform on me?

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos By;  Lola

Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Lazy Days of Summer are over?

Zack, Hello???

I thought that my brother Zack was suppose to be a working "barn" cat, but I guess he believes that it is break time.  Maybe he thinks that his shift is only at nighttime.

What? No I can lay around, I'm a Princess.
My mommy is so silly, she thinks I have no room to talk about Zack laying around.  I hear daddy talk about Zack not doing his job.  I really not sure what his job is, but I think it has something to do with keeping out the little animals, like mice and snakes, although he really seems to like the lizards.  Mommy and Daddy get mad at him when he gets the lizards, they say the lizards eat the bugs.  Yuck! I prefer doggy treats!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos By:  Lola

Thursday, September 13, 2012


What is my mommy and daddy thinking????  They let my peoples sister go get a lamb AND THEN BRING IT HOME?!?!  I really think my mommy and daddy have lost their minds!  And OF COURSE  he keeps getting all the attention.  His name is Kevin.  I mean really?  I have had several talks with him to let him know his place in this family, but he just looks at me and says BAA.  What is that? He just acts like I'm not important and just blows me off!  UGG. WHATEVER!!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos By:  Lola

Thursday, August 16, 2012

It's a Tough Life

It's so hard being me.

Peoples need to be quite

I must ponder Life's big questions, like what is there to eat.

Life as a Princess is so very tough, I mean I have so much to do each and everyday.  First I must wake up in the morning, stretch and then venture outside to announce my presence and make sure all my land is well.  Then I look pretty for my subjects and eat my breakfast.  Then a nap is in order.  Then I go out a few times to survey my land and run among the commoners, take another nap (or two) and then it is about dinner time.  And for my dinner you can never have enough good gravy.  After dinner I usually like to stare at my peoples mommy then retire to my private room to get my beauty sleep.  It's a LONG DAY.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

So a Vacation is needed I guess

Poor o'l ME  (frowny face)
Photo by:  Lola

Yep my peoples went on vacation without ME!!!  I know, right? I can't believe it either.  I guess they thought they needed a vacation from me and my siblings, but you know what????  WE needed one from them!  yep that's HA!  So when they finally got back I gave them a piece of my mind!  And then to top it all off, they didn't get me any souvenirs!!!   I mean come on throw me a bone!!!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Friday, July 6, 2012


My Mommy and Daddy decided that July 4th was the day that I needed a BATH!  I thought it was a day of fun and play, but apparently NOT for a non-peoples.

It's just not fair.......I stuck my tongue out at mommy for taking my picture while I was wet.....she thought it was funny and was laughing!  MOMMY!!  STOP IT! 

So.....Daddy decided not only did I need a bath and Mommy thought it was funny to take pictures, but that humiliation was not the only one I was to suffer that day........

   YEP, That's right, Daddy made my hair into a MOHAWK!

Well Happy July 4th, NOT!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You are disrupting me, can I help you with something?
This is serious business.

I have never heard of "circling the wagons", but mommy said that was what me and Jake and Trixie all acted like today but with our chew bones, not wagons silly, we can't have wagons!  Mommy gave us chew bones today to keep us busy, because the weather was yucky.  Well of course Jake had to take his meds for the "Sparks and Rumbles" so he was a little loopy. HEHEHEHE. Um, what?, nah, I'm not being mean.....I didn't give him the stuff!  Anyways.....back to me...... well I don't know about peoples but we like to collect things, ESPECIALLY BONES!!!  So every time someone leaves theirs for a minute we kidnap it and take it back to our hide out!  Jake was pretty easy to slip it away from because he would be looking at his bone with his eyes all lazy and then he saw his paw and I guess it got interesting because he just starred at his paw!  He is sooo funny to watch when he is on meds.  So every time I was successful and increased my stash, MOMMY would find it and make me give it back!   She just doesn't get it!!  Mommies are so hard to train.  I always tell Mommy, "What? These bones?" Noooo, these are old, not the new ones", but she doesn't believe me.  I think next time I will tell Daddy that not ALL her shoes are old!! 

Why does Trixie get the BIG one?
 Just cuz it is the same size as me doesn't mean I can't have that one!

Jake, you don't even know that there is a bone in front of you, Do You?
 Hehehe, Mr. Dopey.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

But Why Not????

Photo By:  Lola

My Mommy is so silly!  I mean what can it hurt for her to leave the TV on the Animal Planet Channel when she leaves or works out in the yard?  I asked her very nicely and was shocked she said no!  I mean I can't believe that she won't do this for me?  It is too hot to go outside and sit and watch mommy work in the yard, I mean, I'm not going to help anyways so why can't I sit inside and watch Animal Planet?  I just don't understand!!!  If you agree with me, let me know, maybe I should start a petition and that will show her I am right!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sun Time VS Treats


What? Someone Say Something?

Mom, I'm sunnin!

Oh, Did you say Treat? ...No, I'm Awake!
Photos By:  Lola

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Gray is Not always a feeling.

Photo By:  Lola

My brother, Jake is such a copy cat!!!  He thought if he rolled in the dirt to make himself gray, he would be in mommy's movie too, like me.  HAHA, jokes on you, cuz mommy only took your picture and then you got a bath.  I was so much cuter!!  See.....

Video By:  Lola

My mommy took this video of me and I am soooo cute!  just look at my adorable eyes!  How can anyone be mad at me?  Mommy pretends she is mad for the movie, but she really isn't and then Jake tries to get in on the movie, but mommy follows me, cuz I'm the star and I'm so pretty! even when I'm gray!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to tell my mommy, "Happy Mommy's Day!"  I wanted to go to the store to pick out flowers for my mommy, but daddy said I can't go in a store, because I'm an animal.  So!?  Well, I lost that I went looking for flowers.....

I looked high....

I looked low

But I couldn't find any good ones to pick (can't pick bluebonnets, no no) ...I thought my mommy would love a picture of her Princess in the flowers.  So this is to my mommy...


Love, Your Princess Maddie Jane

Photos:  Lola

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Chase was ON!

So I was just looking around in my people sissy's room.....just checking out to see what she has in her trash can and she scared me by saying NO Maddie Jane.   Well...she scared little ol'me and I got all messed up and confused and and started to RUN!  And then this big black thing with a long tail had a hold of me around my leg and was chasing me!!!  I was running trying to get away and it kept following me.  My people sissy was just LAUGHING AT ME!  I know right!?! That's mean and when I got away finally from the scary thing, she said it was a "hair straightener" and it was my fault that I got all "tangled up in it".  I don't know who she think she is to try and fool me like that and I didn't think it was so funny and I told her so too!!

Video by:  Lola

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

My Cousin Cloe

This is my cousin Cloe, she is my brother, Jake's sister, they had the same mommy and daddy, but have different people mommy and daddys.  We still get to seem them though, and my cousin Cloe is so crazy for  squirrels!  My mommy took a video of her and we thought she was sooo silly that my mommy said I needed to put it on my blog.  Whatever mom, but here is mom's little movie making...

Video by:  Lola

I'm Maddie Jane and that is how I see it.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Scary Storms

My mommy thinks that she has me fooled, but I know that "Sparks and Rumbles" mean....scary noises!  My big brother, Jake doesn't like the storms, mommy has to give him medicine so he doesn't bother me.  He goes around climbing on everything and everyone and he breaths right in your face and then when he is on the couch with you it feels like you are in a massage chair....ok, well I guess that part isn't so bad.  We heard the noise that means we have to get down in the storm cellar, I really don't like it down there, Mommy and people sister has to carry me and my siblings down in the ground, daddy usually stands outside watching the bad skies.  Sometimes we have to sit down there awhile, but I think this time was practice time, cuz we were not down there long and then mommy said we could come out.  I like it when mommy carries us up the stairs and as soon as I can see the top, I jump to the side of the hole in the ground and run into the barn!

Lilly was bad this time, she kept trying to go up the stairs so people sissy put her in her little house, hahaha, she couldn't bug me.  Jake was breathing all over the place.....ugh!  Trixie escaped once up the stairs, but daddy caught her and brought her back down and then she just laid on the bench.  The horses don't have to come in mommy said, cuz they are too big, but I think it is cuz they would poop and that would be a BIG MESS.  My brother Zack never comes in, he likes to get up in the trees, I think it is cuz he is scouting for the storm for us.  But like I said, we didn't have to stay in there too long this time!  yay, we were all excited and went running (into the house).

Here are pictures mommy took of me and Jake in the cellar, but she said she can't find the picture of Trixie, I think it is cuz Trixie didn't want mommy to post her picture of her looking scared.  But I look regal, don't I.  Cuz no matter what is going on, I must look my best.

Sitting on the bench being good (as usual)
Jake looking for his exit or maybe he is worried about his daddy.
Photos by:  Lola
I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I'm Better Than Lou

Mommy and Daddy say that I am way more cute than Lou (the Chihuahua on the cable show "The Soup" on the E channel).  They think the way I talk is much much funnier than him.  They think I could be a star, but mommy is afraid that I would go all "LA".  I don't know what she is thinking, cuz I'm just a normal humble dog, who just happens to be extremely cute and talented, so I think the real reason she doesn't want me to leave she will miss me and then Of Course all my siblings would be even more jealous of me than they already are.  They are so into themselves, that's just rude.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Video by:  Lola

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Alien Was About to Get ME!!

Have you seen the movie "Alien"?  Well I haven't, cuz I'm too young, but I have heard about it and this morning, daddy put me up on the bed so I could go lay on top of mommy to wake her up.  I was laying there being the perfect little princess that I am, all perched on her stomach starring at her, when all of the sudden, there came this horrible loud rumble from inside her stomach and I wasn't going to wait for that Alien to come out of her stomach and get me!  So I jumped right off of her and the bed to the floor and out of the room!  I watched mommy from afar all morning to make sure the Alien wasn't coming out to get me.  I heard her tell daddy that her "stomach growled"... yeah right!  I know it was the Alien, she is just trying to trick me!!!  But I guess she told the Alien to not get me after all, cuz she loves me sooo much!  Besides that, I'm the princess and who would there be left to boss everyone around, oh..., I mean help everyone.  I know you think this is just a story, but it is TRUE!!!!  Ask my mommy!  I tell ya, it's TRUE!

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Me and My Lady In Waiting

Mommy took this video of Me and my lady in waiting, Lilly.  It looks like we are playing, but we were holding Royal Court and my Lady in Waiting was helping me and then this big commoner tried to over rule me (played by Trixie), but I 'm the princess so I won and Court rested and then my lady in waiting bowed to me.  Mommy is trying out her new movie stuff and she edited her movie and then put music to it.  I think she did real good, she said it was fun.  She said she was going to put together more.  She finally got to work on some of her movies since it has been yuky out.  It is cold and rainy, so we are all hanging out inside.  Even the horses had to come in and get dried off, my peoples sister said that they were shivering, ah poor things....mommy won't let them come in the house, cuz they are too big and will make a BIG mess!  I never make a mess so I am allowed to come inside.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

And These Are My Siblings.....

Here are pictures of my siblings, mommy says I have to share, I'll share alright... my stories....LOL (that means laugh out loud, not little o' lovable me).

Lilly is ok, she and I play a lot, but I'm older so, I'm the boss of her.

My silly little sister, Lilly
Zack, is cool, but he keeps to himself more, but he sometimes shows off to mommy and brings her stuff like, snakes, mice and birds.  Usually mom screams, especially when the time the snake was alive, we all thought it was fun, cuz we got to play with it, but mommy was all freaked out.  Mom is a buzz kill.

This is my brother Zack
Jake is my big brother, but he is such a whinny butt!  He whines until he gets his way and he gets jealous of me ALL the time!  It's cuz I'm so CUTE.

This is my other brother Jake
This is Trixie, she is the best big sister!  She is protective and she plays with us and loves us, but she doesn't really like to share her bed, when it is cold I always want to lay on her and cuddle, but she says to get in my own bed.  I think sometimes she thinks she is the boss.  blah.  But I still love her.

This is my big sister Trixie

This is the REAL turd in the family (not me as my daddy calls me).  LuLu is soooo mean, mommy and daddy say we can't go in with the horses when she is around, she will chase us!  But sometimes, me and my brother will act like we don't care and tease her and then when she chases us, mommy and daddy or big people sister yell at her to stop.  HEHEHEHE
Bratty Donkey LuLu
(she chases us)

This is Ginger, she is ok, but she is really really big!  I don't even come up to her ankles (that's what I call it).  But she is cool about my siblings and me walking around her, she will just look down at us to see what we are doing, usually smelling the stuff she is leaving behind.  phew!

Lazy Sleepy Old Horse, Ginger

Fry is new and she is having to learn her pecking order.   She thinks cuz she is sooo tall that she should be in charge and she has attitude too, but I'm still the princess!!!
This is our newest family member, French Fry
(her nose is healing from before we got her)
These are some of the fishies, my peoples think they are so neat, but I think they are boring.  If I bark at them, they just keep swimming, I can't even play with them, cuz I'm not getting in that water.....I do NOT look pretty wet!
And these are some of our fishies
(I'll tell mom to get me a better picture)

And then there are the spoiled deer.  Mommy likes to feed them and my people sister named them, the mommy is Gimpy and I forget the rest, but they usually get fed after the horses and before us dogs and cats.  What's up with THAT?
And then this is Gimpy and her clan
(mommy feeds them just outside the yard area)
we only bark at them when mommy and daddy are not around.

Mommy said that we don't have any recent pictures of all of our cows and their babies, she said she would get some for me so I can put them on my blog.  WHATEVER!  Like I care!  This is suppose to be about me!!!  My mommy is so silly.

Well now when I tell you about something that my family has done, you will know who I am talking about.  I hope that my peoples are not planning on extending the family anymore right now, It is hard to get all the proper attention I am due when I have to share.

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it. 
(P.S. that's going to be my "tag line")

All Photos and Video by:  Lola