Wednesday, December 26, 2012



My silly people's mommy and sisters put these hats on us and made us pose in front of the Christmas Tree.  That's my big sister Trixie as Santa, my brother Jake is the head elf and my cousin Emma is Frosty (she is my big people's sister's baby).  I'm the head reindeer!  I lead the sleigh for Santa and Jake helps with making the packages and Frosty just sits there and pants, she thinks she is going to melt!

We had a pretty good Christmas, except it is really really cold!  And all this weird white stuff came down from the sky and stayed on the ground.  I really don't like it when I have to go out, but I have magic powers and can turn that white stuff yellow!!!  It is soooo easy.  But I'm not going to tell you my trick.  I'm just talented.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Photo By:  Lola

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