Thursday, March 8, 2012

And These Are My Siblings.....

Here are pictures of my siblings, mommy says I have to share, I'll share alright... my stories....LOL (that means laugh out loud, not little o' lovable me).

Lilly is ok, she and I play a lot, but I'm older so, I'm the boss of her.

My silly little sister, Lilly
Zack, is cool, but he keeps to himself more, but he sometimes shows off to mommy and brings her stuff like, snakes, mice and birds.  Usually mom screams, especially when the time the snake was alive, we all thought it was fun, cuz we got to play with it, but mommy was all freaked out.  Mom is a buzz kill.

This is my brother Zack
Jake is my big brother, but he is such a whinny butt!  He whines until he gets his way and he gets jealous of me ALL the time!  It's cuz I'm so CUTE.

This is my other brother Jake
This is Trixie, she is the best big sister!  She is protective and she plays with us and loves us, but she doesn't really like to share her bed, when it is cold I always want to lay on her and cuddle, but she says to get in my own bed.  I think sometimes she thinks she is the boss.  blah.  But I still love her.

This is my big sister Trixie

This is the REAL turd in the family (not me as my daddy calls me).  LuLu is soooo mean, mommy and daddy say we can't go in with the horses when she is around, she will chase us!  But sometimes, me and my brother will act like we don't care and tease her and then when she chases us, mommy and daddy or big people sister yell at her to stop.  HEHEHEHE
Bratty Donkey LuLu
(she chases us)

This is Ginger, she is ok, but she is really really big!  I don't even come up to her ankles (that's what I call it).  But she is cool about my siblings and me walking around her, she will just look down at us to see what we are doing, usually smelling the stuff she is leaving behind.  phew!

Lazy Sleepy Old Horse, Ginger

Fry is new and she is having to learn her pecking order.   She thinks cuz she is sooo tall that she should be in charge and she has attitude too, but I'm still the princess!!!
This is our newest family member, French Fry
(her nose is healing from before we got her)
These are some of the fishies, my peoples think they are so neat, but I think they are boring.  If I bark at them, they just keep swimming, I can't even play with them, cuz I'm not getting in that water.....I do NOT look pretty wet!
And these are some of our fishies
(I'll tell mom to get me a better picture)

And then there are the spoiled deer.  Mommy likes to feed them and my people sister named them, the mommy is Gimpy and I forget the rest, but they usually get fed after the horses and before us dogs and cats.  What's up with THAT?
And then this is Gimpy and her clan
(mommy feeds them just outside the yard area)
we only bark at them when mommy and daddy are not around.

Mommy said that we don't have any recent pictures of all of our cows and their babies, she said she would get some for me so I can put them on my blog.  WHATEVER!  Like I care!  This is suppose to be about me!!!  My mommy is so silly.

Well now when I tell you about something that my family has done, you will know who I am talking about.  I hope that my peoples are not planning on extending the family anymore right now, It is hard to get all the proper attention I am due when I have to share.

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it. 
(P.S. that's going to be my "tag line")

All Photos and Video by:  Lola

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