Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Alien Was About to Get ME!!

Have you seen the movie "Alien"?  Well I haven't, cuz I'm too young, but I have heard about it and this morning, daddy put me up on the bed so I could go lay on top of mommy to wake her up.  I was laying there being the perfect little princess that I am, all perched on her stomach starring at her, when all of the sudden, there came this horrible loud rumble from inside her stomach and I wasn't going to wait for that Alien to come out of her stomach and get me!  So I jumped right off of her and the bed to the floor and out of the room!  I watched mommy from afar all morning to make sure the Alien wasn't coming out to get me.  I heard her tell daddy that her "stomach growled"... yeah right!  I know it was the Alien, she is just trying to trick me!!!  But I guess she told the Alien to not get me after all, cuz she loves me sooo much!  Besides that, I'm the princess and who would there be left to boss everyone around, oh..., I mean help everyone.  I know you think this is just a story, but it is TRUE!!!!  Ask my mommy!  I tell ya, it's TRUE!

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

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