Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Chase was ON!

So I was just looking around in my people sissy's room.....just checking out to see what she has in her trash can and she scared me by saying NO Maddie Jane.   Well...she scared little ol'me and I got all messed up and confused and and started to RUN!  And then this big black thing with a long tail had a hold of me around my leg and was chasing me!!!  I was running trying to get away and it kept following me.  My people sissy was just LAUGHING AT ME!  I know right!?! That's mean and when I got away finally from the scary thing, she said it was a "hair straightener" and it was my fault that I got all "tangled up in it".  I don't know who she think she is to try and fool me like that and I didn't think it was so funny and I told her so too!!

Video by:  Lola

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

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