Saturday, November 15, 2014

All is Well

Me and my little sister, Tipper are sunning.  We love soaking up the sun.  It makes our coats so shinny. See the sun reflecting off of us?  That means we are really pretty.
Mommy, stop bothering us, we are relaxing and sunning.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Doc Visit

Mommy said we had to go to the doc for our yearly visit.  But since there is so many of us Mommy takes us in separate trips.  This time it was me and my brother Jake.
Jake and I could tell that others had been there and we were using our natural skills to decipher who.
(We watch a lot of detective shows, so we know what we are doing.)

Jake couldn't contain his excitement when he found out he weighed more than me.  He said it's all muscle  and it weights more so he wins.  Paw Up...Whatever.

Mommy stop it!  Be real, girls don't give out that info.  I'm mortified that you are taking my picture while I'm on the scale!  I'm not looking at you.  I'm not looking at you.

Note: that I got perfect marks from my doctor.  She said I was just too cute and perfect weight.  (ok, so mommy does a good job of taking care of me….oh and Jake got a "pass" from doc too.)  But I'm still her fav.

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos:  Lola

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Life is Sometimes Very Busy

 Me and my siblings have it pretty rough sometimes around here.  Mommy and Daddy keep it pretty busy and then there is a lot for us to do.

Here is my brother Jake checking out the the house being built.  He is making sure we can still survey our land from where the house will be.  He said he approved.  I decided I would wait for the the floor to be put in before I would look, it was just to messy for me, so I left it up to my brother to ok the project. Normally I would not do that, but……it just looked pretty ruff for me (LOL I'm so funny, did you see the play on words?HEHEHE  I'm too cute, Mommy even says so).

We have to randomly check the comfort of the beds.  This one passes for now.

We then have to make sure that the cushions are comfortable WHILE we make sure the view is acceptable and the best viewing available.

Inside the rooms must be maintained for optimal air cooling in the summer, so they must be checked at all times.

And then there is the hunting of objects that must be collected for mommy and daddy.  Jake was on a walk with mommy around the house and found this left by a deer.  He is a pretty good hunter.

And then one of my younger sisters, Tipper, she had the task of picking up sticks out of the yard.  Sometimes she shreds them and leaves them in the yard.  She told mommy that it is just mulch, but I think mommy doesn't believe her because she points out to Tipper that she can still see them in the grass.  And then Tipper just looks up at her and stares.   It's funny.

 Yep, it is pretty busy around here, I'm exhausted again just telling you about that we all have to do.  Whew, I need to take a nap.

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Photos:  BY:  Lola

Friday, February 7, 2014

Monday, January 6, 2014

Silly Lilly is at it Again

There she is, hiding in under the clothes.

She loves a good hair band.

Yep, she just can't resist a good hair band.