Tuesday, February 26, 2013


You can't be serious???

I can't believe that these three
little stinkers showed up
and now run my yard!

They always try to play
with me and 

Then my people named THEM!!!


So then not only are the three little brats here, but my peoples think they are "SO CUTE".  Whatever?! Mommy and Sissy are suppose to be finding them a forever home, I wish they would hurry up.

And then to top it all off Blue thinks she can be "productive" by taking Kevin for walks for sissy.  I mean what a complete suck up.  Ug.  

Who does Blue think she is???  Show OFF!!

I think they are trying to run me off too, because every time I go outside they run up to me and try to sniff me and paw at me, like right, I'm going to play? NO!  That's what they want my peoples to think; that they just want to play with me, but I let them know that's not going to happen.  I tell them...."STOP IT!"  "LEAVE ME ALONE!"  Mommy usually picks me up then, HAHAHA you little puppies!  I'm still the Princess.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Photos By:  Lola

Friday, February 8, 2013

AH, Love a Sunny Saturday Afternoon

Daddy came home from work and laid down on the bed, 
so me a Jake got on the bed with him to take a nap

Mommy said we didn't need to take a nap because we sleep all day.
She is so silly, I don't know where she gets these crazy ideas.

Finally mommy left the room so we could sleep.  See Jake under the blanket, he is such a baby, he whines until he gets a blanket and gets all covered up.
But I'm a big girl, I don't need a blankey.
Mommy came back in the room to sneak this picture of us.
We are too cute!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.
Photos By:  Lola