Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You are disrupting me, can I help you with something?
This is serious business.

I have never heard of "circling the wagons", but mommy said that was what me and Jake and Trixie all acted like today but with our chew bones, not wagons silly, we can't have wagons!  Mommy gave us chew bones today to keep us busy, because the weather was yucky.  Well of course Jake had to take his meds for the "Sparks and Rumbles" so he was a little loopy. HEHEHEHE. Um, what?, nah, I'm not being mean.....I didn't give him the stuff!  Anyways.....back to me...... well I don't know about peoples but we like to collect things, ESPECIALLY BONES!!!  So every time someone leaves theirs for a minute we kidnap it and take it back to our hide out!  Jake was pretty easy to slip it away from because he would be looking at his bone with his eyes all lazy and then he saw his paw and I guess it got interesting because he just starred at his paw!  He is sooo funny to watch when he is on meds.  So every time I was successful and increased my stash, MOMMY would find it and make me give it back!   She just doesn't get it!!  Mommies are so hard to train.  I always tell Mommy, "What? These bones?" Noooo, these are old, not the new ones", but she doesn't believe me.  I think next time I will tell Daddy that not ALL her shoes are old!! 

Why does Trixie get the BIG one?
 Just cuz it is the same size as me doesn't mean I can't have that one!

Jake, you don't even know that there is a bone in front of you, Do You?
 Hehehe, Mr. Dopey.

I'm Maddie Jane, and that's the way I see it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

But Why Not????

Photo By:  Lola

My Mommy is so silly!  I mean what can it hurt for her to leave the TV on the Animal Planet Channel when she leaves or works out in the yard?  I asked her very nicely and was shocked she said no!  I mean I can't believe that she won't do this for me?  It is too hot to go outside and sit and watch mommy work in the yard, I mean, I'm not going to help anyways so why can't I sit inside and watch Animal Planet?  I just don't understand!!!  If you agree with me, let me know, maybe I should start a petition and that will show her I am right!

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sun Time VS Treats


What? Someone Say Something?

Mom, I'm sunnin!

Oh, Did you say Treat? ...No, I'm Awake!
Photos By:  Lola

I'm Maddie Jane and that's the way I see it